Jan 4th – Germany & Austria

(Daniel) Today we headed out onto the A8, which runs all the way down through Germany to Austria. Everything was going smoothly, until I noticed the policeman tailgating us. After pulling us over, he explained that I had been overtaking on a section where this was forbidden for cars towing a trailer. I apologised profusely, and explained that this was my first time driving in Germany. He asked where we were going, and I said that we were driving around the world. This got an amused expression, followed by a pardon, and a wish of good luck for our journey, which in his words, “cost enough already, without the 60 euros fine.” I thought this was great, and am only upset that no-one took a picture of our first encounter with the police!

Entering into Austria

After a long drive, we entered the Alps, and arrived in Salzburg, Austria, it was easy to find a campsite, where we plotted up before cooking Beans with a farmers omelette. Then we walked to the local chalet bar for a few huge beers before bed. The night was surprisingly warm, with rain and hail coming and going.

Camping in Salzburg
Dinner in Salzburg

Distance Driven — 514km

Meals Eaten — Cheese, Pickle & Tomato Sandwich, Farmers Omelette.